I've been quite a blogging slacker as of late. I always keep up with everyone else when they put up new posts, but sometimes forget about updating my own. Make sure you leave a comment if you stop by to check on us just so I know who is out there reading about our humble lives.
The past few weeks have been busy and full of lots of activities. Over Thanksgiving weekend we got to spend lots of time with both of our families. We had Thanksgiving with Chad's family .... lots of people, including most of the nieces and newphews. Parker had fun running around with all the kids. I forgot to bring my camera to capture any of our stomach-stuffing fun :)
Julie & Clemie came out to Vegas again to visit because Brent had a dental rotation that was going to keep him away from home a lot for a couple weeks. We had a lot of fun hangning out with both the babies. As always, having both of them together there is never a dull moment. We ran lots of errands together and went on a couple walking excursions with Parker and Clemie.
Yes, you're seeing it right...those are big horn sheep....in Las Vegas! Ok, well, in Boulder City, just about a 15 minute drive from home near the Hoover Dam. They just hang out and eat right next to the playground and don't even give as much as a thought to the people walking around.
One of our Thankgiving weekend traditions is a rousing game of bowling. Here we are in all of our blowling shoe glory.
Parker caught a cold Thanksgiving weekend and it has been lingering since then. He spread it to Chad so we had a sick Chad and Parker the past few days. Parker is improving, but it's no fun having a sick and snotty kid!
We are excited about the Christmas season! We put up a little tree and got out some Christmas decorations. Yesterday we went to see the Christmas lights at the Cactus Garden near our home. It has even been a little chilly outside the past few days - helps with the Christmas spirit!! :)
Hi Davidsons! Love your blog update. We have been so busy too! We will have to catch up soon - maybe next week or after the holidays! That little Parker is cuter by the minute. I can't wait to see him again!
Nice to hear from you too! What a lovely family you have! Parker is such a handsome little man, and has grown so much since the picture I saw last year on your Christmas card.
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